Monday, June 24, 2019


Interview by – Barry Avotu Johnson 1st 08174493381
Interview by – Barry Avotu Johnson 1st 08174493381

Last week we saw the royal Rambo movie battle that took place at the presidential villa Nigeria’s seat of power with president Muhammedu Buhari, governor yahaya bello and the body of kogi state traditional rulers string as characters with the new direction political strategist himself chief Edward Onoja standing as the official script writer. The producer and director of this particular ground breaking film is whom we have been searching to talk with on the major reasons why the movie have been battered by the people even when the edited and premiere versions have not been presented to the people.
The people of kogi have been divided along the lines that the traditional ruling council of kogi state did excellently well and indeed brought shame to the people as men who were expected to be preachers of oneness and peace but instead pitched their tent with a political party and an aspirant ahead of the 2019 governorship elections holding in November.
With these divide of the people we sorted the opportunity to speak to responsible indigenes of the state and at a function in abuja we were privileged to get a very brief opinion from one of the leading governorship aspirants in person of Abdulrazaq Baba Emeje who beavered his mind on what the people should do on a case such as this.

May we meet you sir?
Abdulrazaq Baba Emeje:
Okay! My name is Alhaji Abdulrazaq Baba Emeje and I am from kogi state from Anyigba to be precise. And for shire am running for the seat of governor of my state under the United Democratic Party UDP.
Sir please  we love to ask you some few questions concerning the visit made to president buhari last week by the kogi state traditional rulers council headed by the Attah of Igala kingdom.

Alright! Truth be said that visit is a nice move for our state but the political under tune of the visit is what have made it not too good for us as a people.
First and foremost, I like to let the world know that no matter what my father does wrong in the public I will never ever speak wrong of him before the people. For that it is totally wrong to do. Most especially that he is the number one person when it comes to the Igala nation worldwide. After God almighty who created the world the Attah of igala kingdom is the next man to honour as an igala person and for you to speak against whatever he has said is completely wrong for one to do. I personally disagree with any igala man who uses any wrong word against the Attah on this presidential visit matter. Traditionally it spills doom for us to seat down and keep quite and hear people say all manners of things against our Attah. Please this is wrong and should not be allowed at all. I say right now all those who must have said one or two things against him should go and give their apologies to him in the palace or face the traditional music that might play in the future because there must be nemesis on this disrespect to the most honoured Igala traditional ruler of all times.
No matter the issue nobody has the right to talk wrongs on my Attah. If you do this in a place like Oyo, kano, Bauchi or Benin city one can be finished over night by people who hold the ruler as god on the earth as the case maybe. Our Attah should be respected in all cases and it is honestly disrespectful to use wrong words for an elderly man not to talk less of the Attah of the great igala kingdom?
The visit is not a bad idea, what was wrong is when a traditional ruler starts saying I support this person and all that. Meanwhile notwithstanding, we shall cross to the right side when the campaigns begin. For now anybody can say and do whatever, the Attah has said what he wishes to say and that is his own opinion which is his right as a person.

So sir, the visit also gave the rulers the opportunity to ask the president for a higher minister slot, what is your take on this?

Well, I think that’s another good request made but for me its coming at a time we are expected to focus on issues of development and not position. For me I would preferred that the president give kogi state a steady eye of support so the people can enjoy the benefits of this administrations agenda as they have promised the people of which the kogi people didn’t see in the past four years of the buhari government. So for me, development should be the best request.

Sir, the frictional rulers also said kogi state is the most secured state in NIGERIA since bello entered as governor, what do you think about this?

Ha for that I can’t say anything. The answers are on the wall for all of us too see. Nobody needs to tell you what’s happening in kogi. A state is said to be safe when there are reduced rate in killings, cultism in higher institutions, looting of state funds by men in political offices, display of impunity by the governor, no disrespect for the rule of law, armed robbery, kidnappings, no injustice is meted on anyone and a positive business environment for local and international investors to create employment and build a robust state economy. If kogi is a save state there will be employment for the people and there will also be salaries paid to workers.

Sir, before we let you go, do you think the governor threatened the traditional rulers to attend the visit to appeal to the president for a support to be the party flagbearer?

Well for me its the most wicked thing for a governor to ask the traditional rulers to go help him appeal to the president for a second term. The president is at the centre, he should know the governors who have performed in their states so anything anyone is telling him as a support machinery will not stand if the president has the interest of the nation in mind.
We have to say it as it is so we all can enjoy the benefits of our democratic dividends we have voted politicians into office for.
Bello was lucky to become the governor of kogi state in 2015 by the fact that our political leader died. And on that note a very intellectually sound personality should take advantage of that to work his best to make sure the rights of the people is protected because when you fail to protect and provide for the people they will also not be there to provide the votes needed to secure a return to power as a governor. Most governors think because they have power at hand the matter is finished. No, the matter is difficult now because the people were not taken good care of by the government. We saw the people suffering as if the state was been punished by the federal government. Everything that has happened in kogi is caused by the mismanagement of power and trust given by the people. There’s a huge difference between the politics and policies of governance and until you understand how these two works in leadership anything you do can never work.
The bello administration is suffering from a political disease called the ‘Miscalculation of economic and political politics and policy' and this king of political illness has its cure only by running an all exclusive government that can breed the people out of the comatose nature the state is already restoring upon and freedom can breakout the people into the limelight of stability which coronate in employment, infrastructural development and so on.
To be honest, kogi is a state where development can be speed up in months if the right things are done. Bello must get ready to fight the battle of his political life because we have seen the state as a place where noting has happened interns of political leadership. We are coming to change the wrongs and put on ground the frames the people will be standing on for a greater people at the end of just four years of our government if elected.
Kogi state is a sorry state and we all can join hands together to build it into a hub  for business and bring the people into prosperity. Kogi will be a construction site with me as governor and that will help us set the agenda for a quality leadership for the people thereby providing basic amenities like clean drinking water,  healthcare services with quality facilities, free and compulsory education with world class schools and trained teachers, constant electricity power supplies to the rural areas and business centres and security for lives and property. All these and !more will open up the state in just three months of taking power.
Let me take this opportunity to ask the igala people to please push a blind eyes and ear to whatever the Attah is igala kingdom must have said to the president in their visit, he is a person just like everyone of us are, mistakes can be made and forgiveness too should be available when needed. He is our father and we must stand with him in every condition. We can go and meet with him as his children and settle whatever difference we have and not to insult him. That is very wrong plead. I appeal to everyone across our dear state to be cool on whatever the fever of election is already fomenting in the sections of political movement made by the aspirants. This is the time for us to phantom a way out for our state by making sure that the best man becomes our governor and I ask you to dust your voters card in readiness to give me your votes so we can give a sound economic agenda that my government is bringing on the table for the good of kogi state. Surely, the restoration agenda will go along way to build confidence in the people on government in readiness to benefit from the forthcoming restoration agenda.
Thank you very much Alhaji Abdulrazaq Baba Emeje for giving your time and bearing your mind on this pressing issues effecting the future of kogi state.
This is what we can bring to you on the Attah presidents visit and we have heard it all from a frontline kogi 2019 governorship aspirant running under the platform of the united Democratic party UDP who are said to be also getting finishing touches on their state governorship primary election to be held in lokoja the kogi state capital with all states, senatorial districts, reps, local government and ward delegate executives storming the city to vote into reality a flag bearer that will face the eventual elements that will emerge from the ever confused PDP and the most troubled ruling APC.
We shall bring you an exclusive interview on the reasons why the UDP aspirants thinks he can win the kogi governorship elections where heavyweights like the former governor Capt. Idris Wada and Ibrahim Idris are already gearing up their sons and selves to take power for the PDP and not even talking about governor bello who controls the money , the area boys and the traditional rulers. Will Abdulrazaq Emeje dear them? This interview will hit you when we finish work on the extras.
Please wait for this story in a couple of days to come.

Friday, June 21, 2019


Written by – BARRY VOTU JOHNSON 1ST : 08174493381.

This news story is craved to open up the worms suspected to be inside the trip made to the president on behalf of the kogi state people. We are doing this story to bring to bear the rumours flying in the air already.
Am privileged to personally analyse the speech delivered By HRM Attah Igala, Dr Michael Ameh Oboni II, Chairman Kogi State Traditional Council On Their Courtesy And Congratulatory Visit to President Muhammed Buhari GCFR On Wednesday 19th June 2019.
The speech is made in history and my analysis will also be history as soon as you finish reading and take a position on e matter at the end of the day. Everything we are going to talk about is already played out in the 21 paragraphed plus a bonus address to president buhari.
Let’s talk a look at these from the from down to the last. Happy ready! But before you judge my write up remember that this is my personal opinion.

1. On behalf of the Kogi State Traditional Council of Chiefs, we bring you warm tidings and felicitation on your re-election and inauguration into office for your second tenure. May Allah consolidate your stay for the benefit of Nigeria and Nigerians.

The king started his opening with the word on behalf of the kogi state traditional council of chiefs, this statement is not true. They didn’t go for the visit as a family. The chiefs who went were the pro Bello APC camp. We have evidence to say that there are other royal fathers in kogi state who were not in that visit meaning that those who were there are the loyalist to the Governor. And that trip must have provided the opportunity for Mooney to touch ground in all the palaces that were involved at the end of the day. What are such money given for. If you ask me. I will call it an inducement and a thanks for coming package which governors gibe to people who they intend to have control over.

2. As royal fathers from Kogi state, under the First Class Banner across the 21 Local Government Areas of the state,  we have come on a duty bound mission to bring you report on realities on ground about governance and general state of wellbeing of our dear state.

It is very clear to note that there’s no law in the constitution of the federal republic of NIGERIA that states that traditional rulers should make a breakdown account of what’s happening in their area of ruling jurisdiction to the president. Mr president didn’t invited them to come tell him all that. The visit was requested on the grounds for them to steal into the heart of the president on some certain issues that have been begging for answers for close to 12 months now. The governor is the person expected to do such a visit and not the traditional rulers. Yahaya Bello is e one to carry the news of good governance to the president if there’s any in the state, more over it is sad to take any matter of such to a president who himself is packaged with the spirit of impunity and disrespect for the rule of law and is seen as an enemy of democracy. A man who the world see as a two sided cutlass soaring through a negative and positive light on Democratic activities. You can not serve two masters, you have to choose one and be free from the other. Like a man of God once said, you can not look up and down with your eyes at the same time. The attitude of president on politics it is very clear where he stands. Traditional rulers can only give account to the president when there’s an unrest in their adobes or when the president makes a visit to their areas in times of public disturbance. It is an insult for traditional rulers to travel to the centre seat of power to give a false account of what is not true about their people.               

3. We would like to thank you for the positive influence you have had on our Son, the Governor,  His Excellency,  Alhaji Yahaya Bello.

It is very sad to thank a president for watching governor bello starve the people with the none payment of salaries for close to a year and half. If that particular character is a good way to pay back the people who voted for the APC in 2015 it is a big shame to the party, the governor, the president and the traditional council. The whole world is seeing how the kogi people are suffering since bello became governor and the best thing to say to such a president who will always say nothing on every happenings around the nation is thank you? There is nothing positive to see in the relationship between governor Bello and president buhari as far as we are concerned because a good president would call his anointed son to order and find ways to change the narrative. Kogi state was like every other state in NIGERIA who received a bail out and they used theirs to pay up and today they have no such salary stress but in the case of kogi we have seen a different case and we didn’t  the president say a word about it. It was in kogi we started hearing how workers kill themselves because they can not carter for their families. So it is wrong to thank the president for a wrong influence on the governor, it is very clear to say the local word of ‘like father , like son' if Bello is doing very well in kogi the traditional fathers wouldn’t need to visit the president to give any account on e state of things in their domains. The visit would have just been pencilled at congratulating the president on his second term in office. More over it is wrong for anybody to start congratulating the president on his said re election because that election is challenged in court and we have started seeing a strong light that the election was branded with the allegations of government involvement in its activities. Let us not talk about the buhari election for now because we can take the whole day talking about it. We must leave that for another day.
All am saying is that the influence of the president Bello is a very wrong one because we didn’t see anything good in the way kogi state have been managed so far.

4. We would also like to thank you for intended intervention on Federal Government projects which are yet to begin in the state.  We expect your full support to drive that into action after this visit.

The royal fathers wasted their precious time in thanking the president for job not done. Whatever the president have said he will do since 2015 have not been done. And the matter of kogi state enjoying the good will of the president is seen. There are not even one single light of a federal project in kogi state by the buhari administration as far as we all can see, so why should he be thanked when he’s building roads, schools, refinery in his home state, and states like kogi that have already started seeing some small development setups in iron production at the ajaukuta company are not considered. If the president is really a great mind as his lovers have always say he should fix the necessary and most important issues of NIGERIA that can provide employment for our people and stop facing wrong long-term and elephant projects that are not in any way reach the people with anything good for now.

5. On the issue of our son, most importantly,  he has done fantastically well in the area of Security and Peace building.  Kogi state is adjudged by the Nigerian Bureau of Statistics currently as the second most peaceful state in Nigeria.  As Royal fathers with first hand reports, this is very true. Unlike the past where insecurity was high with vices such as kidnappings, armed robbery, cultism and other forms of crimes going unabated, today under Gov. Yahaya Bello, the tide has changed.  We sleep with our two eyes closed. Most of the economic and social activities in Kogi state go unhindered as our people go about their activities in tranquillity.  He was so detailed and proactive in the Security measures that most Federal and State Highways were cleared by 20 meters each on both sides, which would make those using various highways see very far ahead of them to avoid ambushes or kidnappings of various shades by hoodlums on the highways.

The issue of our son! Most importantly! He has done very well in the area of security and peace building; these and every other is not true at all. The kidnapping and killers in kogi state is still going on and we have heard time without number how people can’t travel across the state at night and sometimes even at broad day light these wicked actors of robbery take over the high ways steal peoples money and goods and even adopt others into the bush on a daily bases and these people visit the president and tell him lies? Anyway the president is not aware of whatever is going on so whatever he’s ld is what he knows, let’s use this opportunity to let the president and the whole world know that kogi state is not safe at all. The insecurity in the kogi state of today is for real. Kidnappings, killings and adoption of people finding what to eat is very huge and should be told to the authorities so that the best ways can be channelled to outing a stop to it. Kogi state has the largest individual carrying of guns in NIGERIA for now. The university students are mostly involved in cultism and the fights between different cult groups is a daily issue in all the higher institutions in the state with the kogi state university taking the lead. With all these and more happening in kogi state, his on earth would you describe kogi as a safe state to live. Mr president it is not true that kogi state is safe. And by the standard of what we are seeing it is very untrue to say kogi is the most peaceful state in Nigeria when a state like bayelsa, anambra, abia, Enugu, delta, gombe, Niger and cross river states are there. It is the biggest of all lies to say kogi is a peaceful state. How can a state be peaceful when killings and kidnapping plus cultism is the order of the day! How can a state be peaceful when the ruling party in the state is in confusion to present a flagbearer candidate to represent the party at a forthcoming governorship elections! It is a shameful thing to say that kogi state is peaceful because everything happening in the state is seen by the world. Apart from president buhari who says he’s aware nobody will want to hear that bull story of kogi been a peaceful state.

6. He has also done well with infrastructural development within the state. Roads which have been abandoned for many years under different Governors have been reconnected back to the grid for businesses, safety of passers-by and ease of travels. Across the three Senatorial districts of the state, various roads are ongoing at various stages of completion as this Council have observed. As the Chairman of this Council, the Umomi/Ajaka/Idah road is currently nearing completion. This road leads to my Palace, which is the house of the ancient stool of the Igala kingdom.  Such is spread across other parts of the state.
As the roads mentioned I personally agree small that bello is working on it. The speed of which the project is going is what is wrong about the projects. He has done little in the areas of other developmental spreads across the state like it or not. The truth should be told.
7. As our son, he has also demonstrated his detribalized nature in managing the complex state  populated by over 6 ethnic groups.  He has  demonstrated this by equal distribution of Government appointments in the state without any ethnic group or groups of interests, short-changed. This is also his style in project-spread. This has doused the tension of ethnic mistrust, religious and class distortions in Government appointments and patronage which has been the norm.

As our son, he has also demonstrated his detribalized nature in managing the complex state  populated by over 6 ethnic groups.  He has  demonstrated this by equal distribution of Government appointments in the state without any ethnic group or groups of interests, short-changed.
This is true to mention but a few. He has shared power to every area of the state, but the question remains that the people that he gave power to, are they performing as expected. It is not just to spread the power to all the zones or tribes.  It is also important to know if they are doing their duties as the designates they are holding in driving the new direction government of yahaya bello.

8. In reflection of his detribalized nature, he appointed an Igala man, Edward Onoja as his Chief of Staff even whilst he is Ebira, he also lifted a 63 year old embargo on some of our Festivals which were never revisited. In the same kind,  he has graded and upgraded many traditional stools that has been due for decades without any attention paid to them.  These efforts have translated into unity and harmony. Matching that, he has approved the building of Kogi State Government House Chapel for the Christians.

The appointment of the person of Hon Edward Onoja has nothing to do with Bello been a detribazed personality because the two have been a daul years even before the elections in 2015 and eventually becoming governor of the state. Onoja's appointment as kogi state chief of staff is purely an appointment of trust. They have been together in business and politics so that has nothing to do with making an Igala man his chief of staff. Edward Onoja doesn’t hold any brief for the Igala nation to say because before the appointment there was not nomination from the palace that presented Edward for such a position. His appointment is expected to be seen as a balancing table for appointments made by Bello and Edward immediately the stick of power moved from the hands of late Audu to Bello.

9. Your Excellency, as much as he has done well, we would also like to appreciate you for some requests from our son which have been granted and others yet to come, which when granted will consolidate on the growth we have seen so far:

What are the requests bello sent to the president on the state that shouldn’t mentioned in the public. We thought that quality leadership runs with a public eyes. What will the government do with out the people. The people comes first. It is not a crime for the government to let the people know what they are planning to do for the people. The major reason why the government is there is for the people to have a total value for leadership so the people are expected to have a first hand information on what the government is billed to do for them in terms of providing basic amenities for them.

10. We would like to thank you specifically for the approval of 30.8Billion naira bailout which is the outstanding tranche of bailouts for states, meant for payments of salaries which has been a bone in the neck of our son, because as Royal Fathers, he has explained the challenge to us in that area and we understand. The final release of that sum to the state would help in defraying some arrears owed so far.

The bailout funds that is released by the president to kogi state is another way to device the people to vote for the ruling party as some quarters have starting talking in the state in general.
Why was the bailout not released over the months. Why should it be now that the elections are close. Its the same thing that the vice president did with the trader Moni project. Since after elections we have heard nothing about the so called trader Moni again. And we see the same thing coming up in kogi state with the bailout released by the president. This is the kind of democracy we call “Mumu game plan”
How can one hold back a bailout for a state under the chains of non payment of salaries.  Is that not wickedness? Let us the reasons why that bailout was held back. Who held it back. And why was it held back. Is the reason about trust. The president don’t trust the governor? Or the governor doesn’t deserve the funds support the other states got in solving their own salary issues? All these and more questions need to be asked. Why did it happen like this and a lot of people died from this attitude of the president not granting the payment over the months. The iniquity of the non payment of the bailout can not be overlooked because of the havoc it has caused so far in the state. Who will pay for the damages caused by the non payment of the salaries to the people. The people suffered so much and who is the queries expected to land upon.

11. We would like to specially request that you look into many Federal roads in Kogi state which are in deplorable states due to the high traffic Kogi roads suffer as it borders ten states across Nigeria,  serving as a link between the North and South.

We have seen other state governors fix some federal roads in their respective states and get paid in time by the federal government. Why can’t these same roads be done by the Bello government! It can be done. We have seen it done in other places. Federal roads are very bad around kogi state and that is one of the major reasons why the crime rates are very high in kogi high ways. The high ways in kogi state are the mist dangerous I’m Nigeria because of its disgraceful site. And that has caused so much pains to the state people and other Nigerians travelling on a daily bases. If buhari loves kogi state and takes bell as his political son these roads should be fixes so that Bello can be left alone by the people. Bello is insulted on a daily bases by Nigerians passing through the state into other states not knowing that these roads are federal roads. The bunch of the insults goes to the state governor most of the time and not the president who is said to be away from the truth on what is happening across NIGERIA. It is said that as soon as one becomes president in NIGERIA there would be a Vail that is sent to cover his eyes so wouldn’t to able to see what the site of the nation is. And thereby fumble as president at the end of the day. Buhari as president is a very painful state to a lot of Nigerians because his administration is jam-packed with impunity which is not good for democracy the world over. Merit is not respected in leadership when impunity is in control.
Demerit grows by the day in a leadership when the head of the leadership is a strong player with impunity as his driving force.

12. We would also like to appreciate you for the approval of N11 Billion Infrastructure fund approved for work and maintenance of Federal Roads in the state.

We have not seen any maintenance of any federal road in kogi state so we need explanation of the said monies the president is been thanked for in this visit.

13. The quick Execution of roads identified under the order E7 would not only ease the lives of our people and Nigerians who ply those roads but would open up to the state to national and international socio-economic activities.
The identification is just a way to deceive Nigerians that work is under way. Government should enter the project on the go, as far as they have marked the sites, work should start so we know that its underway. It is even a fraud to mark a site and don’t start the work. We are tied of sign post lettering the whole nation of roads to be maintained or constructed and we see nothing after the post are licked by sun. I think the efcc should also stand up to the job its been created for. How can a government put a sign post about an approved project and nothing is seen in moths about the same project.

14. We would also like to seek your special intervention for the  Federal Government to take-over or provide substantial support for the Project Power Kogi East (PPKE), which intends to light up 90% of the largest Senatorial district, Kogi East which have been in perpetual darkness for decades.

These is one of the most important issues to be discussed in such a meeting with a true Democratic president who understands what it means to build a relationship across all people in a nation. These request is on point and should be commended by the people. This are the kind of requests we expect a traditional ruler to make and not telling the president about something that bus not true. The traditional rulers can’t be telling lies just because they are in support of a government that is been accused by all quarters across the nation for incompetence and impunity. The people accusing the bello administration of weak performance are not just kogi state people because when you read the lips of the people on the pages of the media you will see it for yourself that the people know why they are accusing the bello administration of been weak and incompetent.

15. We would also like you to place priority on the Ajaokuta Steel Complex. The potentials of the Steel can fix unemployment issues in Kogi state through direct and indirect employment and transform the industrial hub of Nigeria.

The issue of the steel company is over flogged by not only kogi state people to the buhari administration. The non compliance of the peoples request to fix the company into a working industry is a clear sign of irresponsibility on the side of the government. The government has no focus that’s why they cant see the importance of setting up the steel factory to provide employment for the youths who have almost turned into armed robbers and kidnappers along the line. Therefore, with these disgraceful attitude of the non compliance of fixing the steel company it is complete and total to say this buhari administration should not be taken serious. It is a total frustrated and doomed administration where impunity is the order of the day. Its only an irresponsible administration that wouldn’t take up the opportunity to turn around the lives of the people using a project that is already half completed.

16. Your Excellency,  we would also appeal that Kogi state be given priority in special fund support for social and agricultural programs.  The Omi Dam power project is one of those examples.  We would also like to  appeal that Kogi as a vulnerable state along the shores of the Rivers Niger and Benue, the responses to flooding, prevention, relocation of affected victims and other matters connected therewith be of utmost importance to the National Emergency Management Authority,  NEMA and the Federal Government of Nigeria,  to always support the people of Kogi State.

This is yet another very good request that I can see here in the visit to Mr president.
The kogi people honestly need all these and more. But the question is. Will the said support funds eventually approved by the president not find its way into personal pockets as we have seen in kogi in the past and I’m other states? The request is positive but the intensions of the government in power on such monies are not trusted. We have seen the government collect monies for one thing and using it for another thing. This character is fraud and should be called to order by the efcc. When funds are made out for a thing it must be used for it or legislated into something profiting and not to be spent by the government without due considerations.

17. The connection of Kogi State via rail to Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory would also add value and reduce stress on our major highways, including transportation of commercial products.

It is only a weak thinking person that will not be seeing a wonderful potential from making a connection on rail transport to its federal capital city of power. The traditional rulers need not to appeal on this case because it is what we should expect from the government if they really want the people to enjoy the dividends of democracy. Like it or not the abuja train transportation design system can’t work without its connections to nearby states and cities. Places like lokoja, keffi, akwanga, suleja, and others must be linking so the business and development angle of the project can be achieved in record timing. So on this note government must fix its development deals if really we are in for a democracy without impunity militarising government action plan.

18. We appeal that you support the Government of Kogi State and our son the Governor in placing qualified Kogi citizens into key positions in your cabinet, administration and various MDAs, chief of them is the Ministerial position.  We would like to request the upgrade of the Ministerial status given to Kogi state to a higher responsibility in your cabinet based on the performance of Kogi state in the last elections that won overall 93% electoral victory; winning the state for the Presidential,  winning 2/3 of the Senatorial districts, 7/9 of the Federal House of Representatives and winning 25/25 at the State Assembly Levels. This has shown that our people, the people of Kogi state are with you and for you, along with the tireless and proactive nature of our son, the Governor and his team who delivered that result which is first in the history of Kogi State.

This above statement is partisan in nature and not accepted to be a word coming from the mouth of a Royal father who shouldn’t taking side most especially as the state moves towards electing a new governor come November.
The royal there have already taken a side in who they want to be their governor. But its a pity that the people have not spoken. And on election day we shall know if the people are stronger than their traditional rulers who most of the day don’t been have a voters card to vote, moreover many of them have been said to be deceiving yahaya hello for his second term bid. They are doing what they have been asked to do because they prefer to do his biding in the face and behind do the biding of their people. Remember that kogi state is one of the most important state in the north central zone of NIGERIA. And over the years we have seen the way the votes goes. The igala man respects his traditional leader only when it comes to the palace and traditional values. The Attah of Igala land is said to be speaking his personal opinion on the matter of Bello’s return as kogi governor maybe he and his local council members are been threaten or have been painted and bath with money as is the nature of governors in NIGERIA in election times such as this.
Even if money changed hands for the traditional fathers to carry to the president the campaign preaching of Bello a man that is said to have a very low support from his own party at the national level.
The traditional ruling council of kogi state is seen as the last option for bello to return as governor using the platform of the APC.
The planned as its said was to use the said visit to mobilise support from the president who is said to have shopped for a replacement already. That why one of the response the president gave the traditional rulers about Bello’s election was to make sure he goes back to the state and campaign to the people. My advise to the traditional rulers in kogi is to stay clear from the forthcoming elections because this attitude of the traditional council interference can coaster home a negative unrest and the grass will be the one that will suffer the pains of every fight, meaning that peradventure Bello loses the return bid as the case maybe, the traditional council interference has injected a bad blood to the politics of the state and this is very wrong for the state. All traditional rulers are expected to be seen a fathers to all political office seekers no matter the case maybe but in the case of this kind of political statement made here to the president by the Attah himself is not a good omen at all no matter what anybody wishes to think. Bello pushed the traditional rulers forward to represent him to the president as a governor who is doing very well and deserves a return ticket under the impunityfied APC forgetting that the eyes of the gods of the land is watching and getting ready to strick on election day.
One of our source while writing this report said even if Bello travels across NIGERIA to invite every traditional ruler in NIGERIA to help him appeal to the president or the APC the kogi people shall never vote him as governor because in the first place Bello wasn’t the person they voted for in 2015. The person said he has never won any election and will never win any in the state because of the style of leadership he adopted after enjoying power from the hands of fate.
The people say bello has nothing to show as a man who controls the state and doesn’t deserve a second term. And they will do everything positive and possible to make sure he does return. If he likes let him give guns and money to the youths in all the polling stations across the state he’s time is up. As for me the writer I would like to say that with the little search for power interview I have done personally Bello still has chances of returning to office. The loopholes on ground layer by the PDP is still wide and bello can’t be that blind not to find them out and penetrate into power for the second term. Moreover the bello I know is not a push over.  He can play the game as much as a lot of people wouldn’t believe. He has the power at hand. He has the money at hand. He has his traditional rulers at hand for now. He has the worlds most hungry voters at hand waiting to sell their votes for as less than #500. With other booby-traps layer down by the supposed blind PDP leaders in the state pushing forward their sons and son in laws forgetting the disadvantage it must surely cost.
It is sad to remind kogi people that the just concluded elections in the state was rooted with irregularities and the world knows that such elections are described as fraud because its product is been challenged in the court of law so brands shouldn’t be used as a bragging subject in making buharigs ministerial list. In a clean and fair election the PDP is known to have more structure on ground in kogi to tussle power from whosoever because the campaign funds and operational supports wouldn’t be a challenge at any time. So meaning that the concluded state assembly, reps, senatorial and presidential elections in the state were conducted in a fraudsters character where voters were induced and election material fortified to suit a particular candidate and party to emerge as winner. Our traditional rulers re here by advised to watch their mouth on what they say today so that when the personality they are supporting fail to make up a return their domains won’t be punished along that line. We have seen a situation where the sins of the father is afflicted onto the forth generation and we pray that it won’t happen in kogi as our fathers respect themselves and bless all parties and contenders seeking to be governor of kogi state. Don’t take sides with any political party so your people won’t through stones at you whence you appear in public.

21. We would like to thank you for the honor in obliging our requests in coming to Kogi State on a working visit to commission the various projects which is currently at completion and others at advanced stage of completion before the November elections.  As it relates to that, we would also like to make some key demands as traditional rulers, fathers and key stakeholders of our land; we have come here to tell the world that we are Royal Fathers,  responsible for various domains within Kogi state. As custodians of culture and traditions with many subjects under us, appointed by God almighty as his representatives on earth, if we do not speak without fear or favour, that is tantamount to miscarriage of responsibilities on our people. As fathers domiciled at home, knowing the past and current realities, we are coming under one roof to demand in Endorsement for His Excellency, Gov. Yahaya Bello to consolidate for re-election.  The work he has started is with a foundation, the type we have never witnessed in Kogi state before,  especially peace and security,  we therefore ask that your support is also needed to ensure this journey of growth without political abortion .  We have read in different media platforms how people who are not at home with us sponsor various types of propaganda and fake news that belongs to only them in the diaspora,  we as custodians of our people and culture know better. They have called themselves stakeholders, even though we do not know them except when elections are here. We would like to appeal that maintenance of peace is our topmost priority. Kindly ensure that a compact and cohesive team of party members are sent to supervise activities of the state, placing our peace and Security above any other political interests,  ensuring that moles who pose as stakeholders are not allowed to tamper with the peace and Security of Kogi state.
This is the most shameful requests of all as far as we are concerned coming from traditional rulers who are expected to speak the truth without favour.
Why do you have to appeal to the president to consider a governor that is working to return to power. The people in APC are not blind for God sake. They can see with their eyes and hear with their ears what is happening in kogi state. The leadership of the APC are not fools if you ask me in this matter. Nobody should talk for a result oriented facts. The facts are there for everybody to see. If the governor has done well his people will vote him back to power no matter what anybody thinks. This is the highest hiegth of insult to the kogi state traditional council and it will take along time to heal this wound of disgust insult received from the presidency. How can you tell a president to help make a governor who has done well for his people. What business does the president got to do with the primary elections of a state that is enjoying a good governor as he’s been painted by the traditional rulers. For me I see the traditional rulers as political persuading contractors who were appointees of the governor to push support for his reelection to office.
If you ask me I will categorically say bello has very poor political advisers who are not fixing the broken tea cup that needs a total renewal. When a drinking glass is broken it is foolishous to mend it with glue. Solution is to buy a brand new cup that should serve the purpose of a quality delivery. Bello needs a sound political think tank so it can consolidate on the best way to retain power and it is honest to say that the political calculation of bello so far over the months have been so trouble shooting and it makes the people conceal off any possible votes on his name or party. If I were bello by now I would be spending more time in repositioning a new political platform for my money into a second term in office. Moreover the APC is already roasted a platform to use in this period where the united nations, civil societies and even the European union have sent in their report on the just concluded election as a faulted election. The best thing for yahaya bello to do right now is to uproot into reality a fast move to rediscover the formidable force of creating a new political structure overnight to squabble whosoever the PDP would bring on table to measure up on election day. It might be a Mohammed Tettes the green horn with no efcc stains attached on him or the Wada brothers in persons of Idris and Musa and Abubakar Ibrahim Idris who are the simplest persons to beat with e Oto'go syndrome.
For me it is very clear that the PDP would wake up and present Mohammed Tettes while the UDP Chairman spoke over the weekend that the united Democratic party UDP has finally made its choose of not fielding any candidate with a fraud case at hand. And r now we have seen that the UDP is parading just one aspirant Abdulrazaq Baba Emeje, a businessman and called  by his friends as the ‘kogi governor 2019’ who is said to be working with the youths underground to shoot off e PDP and the APC out of place.
Bello should see the handwriting on the wall and do the needful as a young man who must teach the older generation of politicians how to rule and lead the people. My finally advise to Bello is that he must get ready for the battle of his return to office without throwing of stones to the opposition because at the moment we have seen that the ruling party in the state is in a total comatose and can’t help win any election for him. The APC in kogi will end up like the one we have seen in zamfara state and that will spike doom for him. Bello I call you to make a move out of the APC now that e ovation is high for you. Apc will truncate your return to power. That party is hitting the rocks. The APC is on a timed bomb and its explosion is near.

“We are firm and resolute in our decision,  after studying the various groups and interests vying for the position and we have decided to pitch our tent here, for the sake of posterity, fairness,  equality and growth of our dear state.”
Bonus Analysis:
Shame to all the traditional rulers for publicly saying your tent is located in a failed political party that is branded with impunity and disrespect for the rule of law in Nigeria. The flood that comes with aiding a wrong voice to sound stronger will surely caught up with all of you have decided to do your people this wrong. If people are afraid to talk on this matter, the media can never be shut off the truth. We owe the people this information and we shall go this far to make them hear it. We are the watch dog of the people.
Like it or not, a traditional ruler is not expected to use such language at a time like thins. Kogi state doesn’t belong to one person. Kogi is a state where people have the rights to whosoever they want to be their governor come 2019.
Bello should even know that instead of helping his return bid all the and more coming from the traditional rulers is further denting your possible return and already dented struggle, thereby opening more rooms for the opposition to roast you alive come November.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Mohammed Tettes officially releases campaign video to get delegate support for PDP primary election in kogi

Can the Fear of A Mohammed Tettes Set the APC Trembling

“Can the Fear of A Mohammed Tettes Set the APC Trembling”?
Written by : Barry Avotu Johnson 1st – 08174493381.

Most credible and branded winning aspirants have always received the ‘take a hike' advise by men who think they are the only ones that can make things work out in politics across the world. But this time the syndrome might not work for the powers that be in the forthcoming governorship elections taking place in kogi State.
As far as we have discovered, the kogi people have made up their minds to put in office a man with integrity and purpose as their 2019 governor no matter what any of the political block thinks. This have shown that this election might not end up in a good note with the most popular candidates or political parties in the state.
With what is going on it is very clear that the stool of leadership can fall in the hands of whosoever is favoured and chosen by the people.
As you are reading this news report right now we have just concluded talked with some stockholders in the APC both in kogi and at the national level, and the same news is what they are both rolling out.
It was disclosed that the party have carried out a thorough scanning of all the possible governorship aspirants gunning under the PDP and discovered the merits and demerits of all of them, thereby placing them and their records to blackmail them in the press against every opportunity given to them by the PDP to stand as candidates for the election come November 2nd.
The source disclosed to us how the efcc, icpc and other human rights agencies will crimp on the PDP final aspirants already lined up to contestant against their final agreed person to stand in for the party. The plan of the APC is to discredit any candidate presented by the PDP because they already have a full baggage load of fraud cases and abuse of power committed by those running under the PDP accept for a few who have no case to answer for whatsoever crime against the people or the state in particular.
The list of corrupt personalities rubberising to become PDP candidate is endless and this list of corrupt men is already in the hands of the state security forces standing by to invite them for questioning on how they got involved in state monies or aiding government staff in different occasions to loot the state and nation in question.
We even hear that some of these wannabe aspirants have started pitching their tents as aspirants under the APC, trying to see if their crimes can be shielded as party members because it is seen that the APC have overtime discarded aside documents connecting to listed fraudulent elements who entered into contracts with the buhari administration as party supporters. This has been one of the major style of leadership the present administration have used in ruining the democratic structures of our dear country since 2015 when it took power from the PDP at the centre. They have been described as a vehicle which has been formed by different bed fellows hanging on the line and disrupting democratic activities and processes as far as the international media is concerned. No respect for the rule of law and a graduating scholars and lovers of impunity in all areas of leadership.
The kogi state governorship aspirants under the PDP that have not entered the fraudsters booklet of the federal government of Nigeria under the president buhari watch list is Mohammed Shaibu Tettes who is said to have worked all his life in the private sector, particularly in the production and entertainment industry. These same industries have been the engine block of Nigeria’s economy over the years.
Everything have been put in place by the ruling party to dig up allegations against Tettes and if possible something that can provide them the opportunities to play off dirty the candidacy of this just one last person standing that the PDP can boost of in terms of presenting a clean personality to stand out against whosoever the APC would finally present come November 2nd.
Mohammed Tettes is a man that doesn’t look like having the financial might to stand against the APC as a person but when the chaps are down the money wouldn’t be a problem because we have seen governorship candidates in other states across Nigeria who had no funds but had the personality to measure up against whosoever was brought against them by a ruling party. We saw that in the just concluded elections in Oyo state, Zamfara state and BAUCHI states respectively.
And we have discovered that it will also happen in kogi state if the PDP is wise enough to present a credible personality such as Mohammed Tettes.
Kogi state is too strong to reap yet another catastrophic arrangement that will not allow the leadership give out their best in terms of development. When a positive elements becomes governor it is certain that everybody will join in making sure that the party who wins receives support from every quarter to making the state a prospering place to local and foreign investors who would at the end of the day provide employment to the people.
The fears of a Mohammed Tettes will surely be a scare to the APC because his integrity is very formidable in terms of professional handling of administration and his total achievements in the display of a goal getting formula in the private sector over the years. When he was a staff of the Nigerian breweries he worked very hard as a northern region manager to place the company in a very high stage where other businesses went off while his was standing firm and making massive profits as the producers of the best quality products over twenty years of his leadership control.
The man with the best service credentials should be provided the opportunity to bring back the PDP to power in the most awaited governorship elections in Nigeria.
The PDP shouldn’t be blind in seeing this, for some quarters in the PDP they want a popular candidate to stand against the ruling APC but for the larger groups inside the party it is going to be more expensive to run with a man who is popular with so much controversies like in the case of senator Adeleke who is embattled with the tribunals for issues of forgery of results and all that. Instead of fielding a candidate with court cases and alleged to be in one or two fraud racket cases, why not use a man that is totally in the clean books of the financial crimes authorities in the country.
This have been the foolish and most disrespectful manner the PDP have worked over the years and inherited by the APC today, fielding wrong personalities to take up political candidacy positions against the wish and aspirations of the party and the electorate.
The same crime was also committed in Zamafara and Bauchi states that’s why they lost the states to the peoples candidate and if kogi PDP is not careful that is what we are going to see no matter how much is sent on the buying and selling of votes on election day. The simplest winning formula a party like PDP with so much structure on ground needs at the moment is the credibility and acceptability of the aspirant presented as candidate of the party and we have not seen that in any of its aspirants accept for the federal government  fraud scanned free Mohammed Shaibu Tettes who the people must surely vote for because of not only his capacity to deliver and that he came from a political power block of the Igala extraction which has the biggest crowd and highest numbers of local government areas of nine (9) out of the twenty one (21) kogi state has.
Mohammed Tettes is the man to beat if the PDP is ready to take back power as promised by the national chairman of the party. It is certain that a Musa Wada, Idris Wada, Abubakar Ibrahim Idris, Nicolas Ugbane or even a Omede can’t stand the rain that will fall in the PDP when the chaps are down.
We have seen the APC talk over and over again on why it might not feature a Yahaya Bello as its candidate for the forthcoming governorship elections , and those reasons are practically very far from the truth as it were in the case of others who did very well in their states like the former lagos state governor who was removed from the action by the warlord himself. They said Ambode was a good governor but not a good party man! That statement was accredited to one of the national founding father of the APC without the shame that the world is saying politics in Nigeria has no values for men with integrity. Its not possible for a man to be a good governor and not be a good party man. The major thing that makes a man a good party man is when you don’t allow the money go across to the party leaders who might have used their connect and funds to place you in power and expects refunds of what must have been put in hands of voters and thugs who made the elections to run on the favour of their chosen frontier. These kind of politicians are everywhere across Nigeria if you ask me and they are doing good business in making sure that their men are the governors, standing by to do returns to them every month not bordering weather or not the state is enjoying good and quality leadership from their person. These states are said to be in comatose and I personally call these states “Houses under locks and Keyes” and for sure men have started warning up to take kogi state to be under them and these men are seen in the society as men who are supportive in making sure democracy activities are respected by all meanwhile they work underground to truncate the state and run it dry by their permanent demand from the governors they have deceived into office as godfathers.
Men fighting very hard to take kogi state as their bondage place of political slavery is said not to be seen only in the PDP, they have also staged themselves battle ready in the ruling party with their separate camps working out ways to capture the APC state primary elections coming up very soon in lokoja, the kogi state capital.
From our sources the party national chairman comrade Adams Oshiomhole, national party leader senator Ahmed Bola Tinubu, our first Lady Aisha buhari and the presidency supervised by the president himself are some of the notable groups jousting to take kogi as a total controlled returns zone.
The APC is under a total confusion on who will win the struggle for the presentation of a governorship candidate with Yahaya Bello on the other side of the divide waiting patiently to see the out come and eventually fall off to the nursing Accord party said to be preparing to officially receive him and his newly founded political structure filled with pretending politicians who are waiting to see him fall like a pack of card immediately funds are said to be disbursed for political campaign and if possible votes buying from the hands of the most hungry electorates the world have ever seen.
My questions is; will Mohammed Tettes help the PDP gain back its lost glories if fielded? And if the PDP refused to see through its dark glasses of presenting a formidable personality such as Tettes, how will they win an election with men who have questionable character after paying so much to campaign? And lastly, who amongst the APC hustlers of the party candidacy will win over the other to present a candidate at the end; Is it Tinubu, Aisha, Oshiomole or the president himself?
The battle line is drawn. The best hustler will win the war from inside the APC before they will come to the fore as a divided force to face the ultimate Igala masquerade that is said will never fall to the ground against a non Igala animal.
This time, like it or not the Igala people and their gods are said to be ready to fight this battle of superiority between lesser gods under their control for years.
With all these and sundry it is complete to note that the final governorship battle will be watched as a live transmission of in a most preferred tv station on the 2nd of November with the eyes of the world rolling thought every polling station where voting will take place between two sons from one father and a stranger in their mist which is in thge capacity of a Mohammed Tettes of the Peoples Democratic Party PDP and the Abdulrazaq baba Emeje of the United Democratic Party UDP coming from the same local government area diagnosed as the almighty ‘Dekina’ and Governor Yahaya Bello of the All Progressives Congress APC or the Accord Party AP.
The only man feared by all the quarters in the APC both in the kogi State and the national NEC of the party is Mohammed Tettes, and the major reason for this fear is that he’s candidacy is the most responsive in nature. Nothing was found against his name and he’s personality has a distinct capacity to rubbish any candidate using whatsoever political party to enter the race to be kogi governor come November.
Am very sure that the APC must be jittery over Tettes's integrity and public acceptability to win the primary elections under the PDP.
It is also rumoured that the APC is working out plans to see how the worst of all aspirants can be presented as PDP's candidate so they can have a field day to retain power likely using Bello at the long run or whosoever is settle for at the battle of the gods.
As for kogi state people, after taking out time to x-ray the candidacy of almost all aspirants in the PDP Mohammed Shaibu Tettes remains the man to beat come rain, come shine.
After all these and that is said in this special feature report, I use this opportunity to be the first man in the world to  congratulate the PDP in advance for winning the 2019 kogi state governorship election on a very easy front if only the political witchcraft blinding vail of the enemies of democracy affiliated on them by the APC since 2015 is lifted and destroyed forever for them to receive the miracles of once I was blind and now I can see.

“Boiling Fire to Kick Start OTO' GE' Movement in Kogi State Against PDP’s Ibrahim Idris”

“Boiling Fire to Kick Start OTO' GE' Movement in Kogi State Against PDP’s Ibrahim Idris”
:Written by – Barry Avotu Johnson 1st:

As the forthcoming Kogi state governorship elections gathers momentum, the aspirations of a lot of contending individuals have been seen putting up a clear wave of dust across the state.
In every capacity one finds him or herself in, the political weather is closing up as the same in terms of who and what party to support at the end of the tunnel, which have been prophesied to be with a great storm of tempest as if the state is a plane that has to travel across the eclipse to find riders for balance while in the air.
If you dear try to speak with any kogi state person, ether a male or female their words always counters the other in regards to who will finally be their state governor.
Authoritatively, it is very clear that the battle of who will slog it out in the political field of play will be between the PDP, SDP and the APC. Having seen the hand writings on the wall on what the people are saying across boards.
This brings into play the Kwara state political breakage force called the OTO' GE' which removed the almighty Saraki political dynasty from power, replacing it with a servant power authority where the servants to the master takes over power of authority instead of the abnormal pattern of placing a son ship personality on the people. In Kwara we saw how the movement started and what the end result gave the crusaders.
The new Senate or elect never knew that the time has come for the political dynasty he also served at one time will be flushed out of power using his personality. Today he is the senator of the federal republic without any tribunal questioning whatsoever the Saraki supporters might call it. Moreover, the politically dismantled Saraki himself paid tributes by congratulating the forces that told him to his face that the day has broken with a new dawn which shall project a case where any good and quality aspiration of a solid son or daughter of the soil can be supported for the good of all the people.
The same will be applied to Kogi state in the forthcoming PDP primary elections where a state political god father is putting finishing touches to field into play ether of his sons to be the 2019 governor of the state.
A lot of people are already saying it will not be well with whosoever will contribute to the failure of the PDP in the forthcoming governorship election because it is very true that the people of the state are no longer interested in the leadership of the governor Yayaha Bello led administration which has not done well at all in areas of civil servants salaries, security in the state which has turned the people to be always afraid of stepping out of their homes at night for functions.
The Oto' Ge' movement is said to have been planned by the people from the eastern part of the state. This was disclosed in an exclusive investigative interview with people in the Kogi east who are clamouring to replace bello as governor saying that their son was the proper person who won in 2015 but was killed by fate or unknown forces just to put bello in office.
It is said also that the leader of the PDP in the state is putting finishing touches to plans that will present the PDP with his sons. When we asked about the sons are expected to be the PDP kogi state governorship aspirants, we were told that the PDP leader have drafted one Engineer Musa Wada who is a son in-law to him by marriage and his own first son called Alhaji Abubakar Ibrahim Idris to capture the state in another rounds of slavery after running the state personally for 9 years the kogi people see and know as 9 failing and wasteful administration where the state stadium remains the major structure the WYES can see .
This style of forcing candidates on the people have been discovered as a factor effecting the growth of true democracy in leadership in NIGERIA over the years.
We saw it roll in some states where an outgoing governor will prefer to replace himself with a political son who will stand with him in the defence of the fraudulent activities carried out while in power. If you ask me why most governors want to replace themselves with their political sons, I will say it is practically because of the atrocities carried out by the outgoing governors.
They are always afraid that they will be brought to book. Most of the time, governors who take over from opposition governors always tell the people of Tue state that they inherited an empty treasury from their contemporaries who left office. E state pause is always found empty by new governors who are not anointed sons of the immediate past governor who handed over to them. Like in the case of Rotimi Ameachi and Wike of rivers State, the Oshoko master Ayodele Fayose who calls himself Peter the rock and Fayomi of Ekiti state, and mouth wagging governor Nasir Elrufia and Hero of Kaduna state and so many others across Nigeria.
Nevertheless, we also saw a Babatunde Raji Fashola and Akinwumi Ambode who with all the petitions rolling in the air over the years against Fashola and we never had a word from the Akinwumi administration that the ex governor is found wanting to answer questions about monies not accounted for.
But in the case of the Kogi state as our point of call in this story, we saw a captain Idris Wada led administration who saw nothing bad with the ways funds were wasted by his predecessor all because they are from the same political party and related by marriage.
The Kogi state PDP should see this as a point of call to ask the party leadership in the state to note that any attempt to force a god son or blood son aspirations on the party will spoil doom for the state. It will only end up distracting the goodwill that the PDP already built over Bello’s four years of confusion in leadership as the kogi people call it.
Having extred the plans of the Ibrahim Idris and sons agenda to lead kogi state in the name of the search for an acceptable replacement for governor yahaya bello come November, the people will show a different side of the story by supporting a Bello to remain instead of been in another stylised slavery under former governor Ibrahim Idris via the Wada connections.
This son ship agenda unveils that there will be new troubles in the kogi PDP immediately after the primaries if Ibrahim Idris is still holding on to e dreams of letting the MIMD of the people count by allowing a free and free primary election where his sons are out of the picture, because there’s no way ether of his some would contest in the primaries and not bee a contender. It is only going to be great for the PDP when the two of his sons stand totally away from the 2019 governorship elections so that the right personality that can face a bello will stand-up with the torch of the people at hand.
With my personal discovery so far it is very hard for the PDP to replace governor bello with a known candidate. Anybody who has help any political position in kogi state can never beat a bello. This battle is a fight for the green horns in the state politics as far as the terrain in concerned. The only way forward for the PDP is to shop for a pragmatic element that has serious reputation void of any misappropriation of public funds or otherwise.
PDP can only take kogi state with a clean personality both in private life and government.
With our survey, it is very clear that the next governor of kogi state will be stronger in character which must be far better than what the former governors have exhibited in time.
The late prince Abubakar Audu, Ibrahim Idris, Captain Idris Wada were all held for financial misappropriation of state funds in different aspects at one time or the other and this will only be good for the PDP to field as candidates someone who has a total free slate in character and a passionate mentality to restore the fallen walls of kogi state.
My key question is that, if Ibrahim Idris fields his sons as the PDP candidates for the forthcoming kogi state governorship elections would the kogi state people vote for the party? After seeing what other states are suffering to because their out gone governor replaced himself with a son who must continue with the same style of leadership thereby adding more poverty to the people instead of bringing out ideologies that would uplift the lives of the people.
Kogi people as a whole should rise up against all forms of godfatherism so that the state can undergo a serious surgery where the people would be secured in their state with employment for the youths, soft loans for market women to trade, good roads and other basic amenities that can put investors on the run to invest in the state.
Kogi state has everything any state in this world needs to stand up strong as a people and until we find positive thinking leaders who see it as a point of call to do the right thing at the right time for the good of the people , the state will continue to remain in the hands and control of a few political juggernauts who will never allow the right people rum the affairs of the state.
Kogi state people are very patient unlike people from other states like Kwara, Delta, Edo, Lagos, Kano, Kaduna, Rivers and Bayelsa states who told themselves the truth that no matter what it would cost them a son ship candidate will never be supported to become their governor and they came all out against it, look today the people won and the states are ready to move on to the next level where the people would enjoy the best from the best person in power.
This story is not a brief for anyone but a brief for the future of our dear Kogi state who have over the years suffered in the hands of very poor leadership which have seen the people in abject poverty over time.
Be you a yahaya bello, Ibrahim Idris or Idris Wada, kogi state is bigger than all of you and it is responsive to note that as politicians you all are honestly expected to file out the best on election day for the good of all our people who are ever ready to support a government who has a legitimate backing to fix the state into a world class avenue where people can be proud to say yes, am from Kogi state.
Let’s put our political differences aside and work out a sound formula that can uplift the lives of our people where they can also stand tall in reference points across the world in whatsoever capacity.
If a Bello is sweet enough to rep the APC let him be filed up against the best of all in the PDP and not a son ship agenda where the person wins and is held slavery to the detriment of the state which also is a defeat to true democracy.
All am trying to say is that the Oto' Ge' movement is gradually moving towards Kogi state and surely it shall count because Kwara state who stated the fire is just a next door neighbouring glass that can reflect to the mirrors of the kogi state people.
To crown these all up, it is very true to state that the sons of Ibrahim Idris are all also qualified to contest as governorship aspirants under the PDP but it their candidacy will spoil doom for the PDP thereby adding class and easy roots for Bello passage into the government house for the second time.
It is very factual to state herein that the aspirations of Engineer Musa Wada and Alhaji Abubakar Ibrahim Idris to be kogi governors will hold no water and will end up providing a work over election with the white lion roaring into victory come November, and not forgetting members of the PDP giving their anti party support from the back door to bello which have been the political tradition of politicians across NIGERIA overtime when they are in a loggerhead with imposed candidates by the party or godfathers.

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